
Accepting Consignments

Accepting Consignments

Pridham’s Auctions and Appraisals is actively seeking quality consignments for upcoming “Live-Online” international auctions taking place in 2020. The market is still responding well to rare and good quality items, therefore we are actively seeking the following:

  • Quality collections including Canadiana, Decorative Arts, etc.
  • Good quality jewellery, watches, silver and gold
  • Quality silver items, particularly Georgian period or older
  • Listed Canadian, American and European fine art
  • High quality period furniture
  • Quality lighting by recognized makers
  • Quality glass, pottery and ceramics
  • First Peoples, Inuit and Asian Art
  • Quality designer items

Please do not hesitate to call or email us with your consignment questions. We would be pleased to find a suitable time to have one of our experts discuss your needs. Telephone: 1-877-533-5877.

Mon ‒ Thu: 10 a.m. ‒ 5 p.m.
Fri ‒ Sat ‒ Sun: closed

2615 Lancaster Road, #9
Ottawa ON – K1B 5N2
T: 613-366-6150
E: info@pridhams.ca