WaybackTimes Leask Post Sale Column by Robin Pridham, the masterful auctioneer!
The one-man-show who made it happened: Robin Andrew Pridham’s tour de force on November 28th was nothing short of a marathon. With more than 500 qualified bidders registered online, hundreds of emails and texts answered, absentee bids, phone bids, and a group of highly respected collectors in the room, Robin sold it all, alone at the podium, staring at the camera, live around the world. Mandated by the Leask Family to sell the Collection, Robin did not let them down – as a matter of fact, he broke Canadiana sales records that day. Online bidding may slow “things” down for the aficionados, especially when there is a lot of interest for a piece, but times have changed. We have to respect the fact that most people have never bid online before, and to build that thing called trust takes a long time, 10 years. Indeed, 10 years of relationship building and being transparent, to serving Ontario and Quebec while sharing in the auction-excitement 365 days a year, especially when a Leask Collection comes your way. A true honour, thank you very much to the Leask Family members. And thank you all for your bids, texts, emails, phone calls, and for sharing in our Canadiana-Folk Art excitement last November. Many of you asked me, “How does Robin do it, selling for so long, I wanted to send him food!”. Haha! 🙂 It is passion, and the will and power to surpass all obstacles and succeed at this time of our history. In closing, our dedicated team has most sincerely enjoyed working for you for the last 10 years – reaching for the stars at each sale. Thank you Pridham’s team! Let us all stay the course and positive, keep the antique world exciting as it should be! After all it is a sustainable activity (saving trees, whales and snails!) and young people are starting to dig the brown furniture!!! Yay! So back to the closing, there are many more stories to be told, they are out there. Pridham’s is ready for you, where ever you are! Until then, stay safe, below is Robin’s Leask Column published in the WaybackTimes. Thank you very much Sandy and Peter Neilly for allowing Robin to have a voice – your hearts are true. We need more folks in the industry to be supportive and positive as you both are. Warm regards as always, merci beaucoup, Josée Bonneville, COO, Pridham’s